Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Did you celebrate Earth Hour 2011?
Did you know it was going-on?
Do you even know what it is?

What did you think about it?
What did you do to observe this unofficial event?
Who were you with?

I'm interested - tell me your story!


Michele said...

We observed - Prince Charming & I were with my parents, celebrating my mom's 60th birthday. I enjoy the idea of this annual event, but wish it was something of a more regular experience!

Allison said...

Al and I couldn't observe because I was recovering from a minor head injury (concussion) so I needed to move around in a fairly lit apartment. But I agree -- I think Earth Hour should happen at least once a month.

Happy 60th Birthday, Mamma K.

Michele said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Allison! I hope you're feeling ok now!!!

Lauren said...

I planned to use the time to light some candles and maybe read but a friend I hadn't seen for a while invited me for coffee. We enjoyed our americanos in the dark at Starbucks - it was fun!

Lauren from ChickAdvisor