And so we return...

I've returned from Seattle with some interesting perspective, new friends and a whole lotta inspiration. But I've also returned with insight on three differences between that city and mine; tips Chicago should take to heart!

Seattle is...
  1. sight impaired friendly. Many of the major intersections have beeping devices [that sound like cute little birds] to direct sight impaired individuals toward the safe-route across the street!
  2. very concerned about it's cleanliness. Each morning city workers are out and about in public parks scrubbing the concrete with power washers!
  3. local owned business friendly. 'Nuff said!
Thanks to Cool Town Studios for use of the photo!

Now don't get me wrong, I still prefer Chicago to call home... though I do love to witness beautiful acts by a city that enhances it's community's daily life! Kudos, Seattle!


tif said...

the first thing i said when i got to seattle was "this city is so clean" and the first thing i said while driving home from the airport was "chicago is so dirty." but the first thing i say when i'm in new york city is "chicago is so clean compared to nyc." so i guess cities progressively get dirtier as one moves west to east!

Michele said...

Great observation!