Being the great girlfriend that I am, I ordered a little something (a very inexpensive something) to entertain Prince Charming while he patiently awaits for me at my apartment. A long while back, in the beginning of our relationship, as I divulged my plans to take over the Chicago shopping mecca...
We decided that if I were to open a boutique, I would have to purchase the original Ms. Pac Man arcade game to place in the center of my store. The 'gaming area' would also include a faboulously fashionable couch, chandelier lighting, a lovely coffee table, and perhaps a pink lemonade stand. All of this to entertain the guys that are out-and-about, shopping with their girlfriends.
In the interim, I chose to purchase the mini-tv-based version for Prince Charming. He was so grateful....
We decided that if I were to open a boutique, I would have to purchase the original Ms. Pac Man arcade game to place in the center of my store. The 'gaming area' would also include a faboulously fashionable couch, chandelier lighting, a lovely coffee table, and perhaps a pink lemonade stand. All of this to entertain the guys that are out-and-about, shopping with their girlfriends.
In the interim, I chose to purchase the mini-tv-based version for Prince Charming. He was so grateful....

Over a week ago I ordered Ms. Pac Man from Circuit City's website. The email CC sent to me upon purchase indicated the item would be shipped to my home by USPS. Oh dear! If you've been a regular reader of this blog, you know about my run-in with the USPS. What to do, what to do!
The item should have arrived already, and I have YET to receive it! I'm going bonkers over here just wondering which of the friendly USPS employees took it home to play with it...
It came last night!
i got dex one of these tv-mini game boxes about a year back, and he (i mean, we) love it. in fact, last night after we watched the horror on television (aka the "iraq plan") he asked that we play it to blow off some steam.
we ended up eating chocolate mousse instead, but you get my point!
oh, and by the way, i'm completely white trash now after watching maury. i threw out all my desinger clothes and swear to only wearing a glad garbage bag and white keds.
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