CHOW DOWN: Rescue on a Cold, Cold Day

Although I can argue that San Francisco is not the home of the Irish Coffee, it is a great place to enjoy one... and it was the birthplace of my love for the drink. Courtesy of CHOW, I can share the San Fran recipe and claim to fame with you:

  • 4 ounces freshly brewed coffee
  • 1 1/2 ounces Irish whiskey
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • Dollop of freshly whipped cream
  1. Combine the coffee, whiskey, and sugar in a hot Irish coffee mug; then float whipped cream on top.
I hope this delicious drink will help keep you and your honey warm during this frigid holiday season! Oh, and apparently, there are variations on this classic:


Italian coffee: Substitute amaretto for the whiskey.

Jamaican coffee: Substitute dark rum for the whiskey.

Mexican coffee: Substitute KahlĂșa for the whiskey.

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