I need your help.
Pending a discussion with Prince Charming, I would like to purchase a very chic bird feeder to place/attach/use on the balcony of the home I will be inhabiting in May. However, I have yet to find that perfect tweet-tweet attractor.

Please please please submit your suggestions here, in the comments section. I would love to read/view your favorite picks. Who knows? There may be a prize for the winning selection!
Ta-ta for now!

Please please please submit your suggestions here, in the comments section. I would love to read/view your favorite picks. Who knows? There may be a prize for the winning selection!
Ta-ta for now!
you're totally crafty.
if prince charming is mr. tool or even slightly mr. tool, I suggest building your own and designing it yourselves.
not only will it be rewarding, but also a great bonding experience.
Are you calling Prince Charming a TOOL!?! jk. That is an incredibly good idea... I'll put it on the list!
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